Crown Mimic Stones are very rare, you usually get them from daily login rewards (not every month), or from crown crates. Their purpose is to help you make gear in a specific style that you don’t have the style material for. Which is why you could also use them to make a lot of gold! It’s not a direct conversion of course, it’s about extracting the style materials from crafted items that you can then sell to other players with the help of a trading guild. You just have to have a character that could be classified as a crafter, one specific crafting style, and one slottable champion point. And some crafting materials of course.
What you’ll need:
I usually like to craft Homespun Robes (level 1 clothing armor). It comes down to personal preference and whichever crafting station is closest, it doesn’t affect the end results. The only thing that matters is that you craft armor or weapons that don’t have any traits. Depending on how many mimic stones you have, you should try and use as many as you can for the best possible results. For this tutorial, I used 3.
What you’re going to have to do is make gear using the Crown Mimic Stone option (see picture) by selecting a high-value style such as Steadfast Society (this is the best option currently), and make as many gear pieces as possible.
Now we have to deconstruct them. Slot the Meticulous Disassembly champion point, go back to a crafting station (in my case it was the clothing table), go to the deconstruction tab, and select every single piece of gear you made, so that they’re all deconstructed at the same time.

3 Homespun Robes in the Steadfast Society style that I made with Crown Mimic Stones gave me 3 Stendarr Stamps after deconstruction:

And 3 Stendarr Stamps equal about 24,000 gold on the PC/NA megaserver. The only “investment” that was necessary for this method was learning that one specific style page (in my case, it was Steadfast Society chests).
Thank you so much for checking out my Crown Mimic Stones to gold guide, I hope it serves you well! Let me know if you have any questions, either in our Discord server, or on Twitch when I’m live! Have a nice day!