Please note: these are PC/NA prices. The gold amount will be different for other servers.
Making gold in ESO is really easy if you know what is profitable and what sells fast. Everybody’s method is different, some farm expensive motifs from dungeons/trials, some sell XP carry runs in Blackrose Prison, some do a lot of fishing and sell the fish or the Perfect Roe they get, others flip items by going from guild trader to guild trader and finding cheap items that they can sell for a lot more through their own guild trader – and then there’s the ones like me that farm and sell valuable crafting materials.
This post will contain a couple screenshots that show what I sell through my trading guild to make a lot of gold every week. Depending on how much money I need, this can be anything between 2 million gold / week to 10 million gold / week.

This was a very good week (4,448,000 gold in total) because of the Aetherial Dust that I managed to loot from a base game node (don’t remember where and when, unfortunately). That item alone carried the amount of gold I made here. A couple of other materials here that are really expensive (like Dragon Rheum and Potent Nirncrux) I always sell about 10 or 20 pieces of every week, so that I’m able to meet my weekly guild trader dues with their help, and so that I don’t run out of them fast (I get my Dragon Rheum and Dragon’s Blood materials from the daily lootable container in Tideholm, Southern Elsweyr, and the Nirncrux I get from deconstructing transmuted and crafted items that had the Nirnhoned trait).
I always list 8-piece stacks of gold crafting materials like Dreugh Wax, Chromium Plating, Tempering Alloy and Rosin. That is how many you need to upgrade 1 gear item. I used to do stacks of 10 in the past, that also worked well, but I’ve found that they sell even faster if you list 8 at a time. They’re easily farmable if you have enough time to play every day: I usually get about 3-4 of each from the daily crafting writs rewards, plus the surveys that you can receive through said writs are very helpful in that the raw materials that you can loot can yield even more of these; I usually refine 5,000 or more of them. 10,000 is the maximum you can do, and if you’re able to reach that amount and refine them with the help of the Meticulous Disassembly green CP tree slottable star, you can get about 70-90 gold materials, depending on your luck.
I also tend to sell alchemy materials that I have more than 2,000 or more of. I list stacks of 200, and I always check the Tamriel Trade Centre prices before I do so. It’s a good idea to make sure that your listing is among the cheapest available ones if you want them to sell fast. If your guild trader is in a really good location, you could price them a little higher, but it might take a few more days for you to get the gold for them.

Another thing I do is I list the intricate CP 150 – 160 jewelry pieces I get from daily crafting writs at either 999 or 1,000 gold / piece. They sell extremely fast, since people need them to level up their jewelry crafting skills. Another good idea is to sell style materials that are necessary for crafting zone-specific furniture: currently, the most expensive ones are Arkthzand Sprocket (Markarth), Culanda Lacquer (Summerset), Funerary Wrappings (Necrom), Ivory Brigade Clasp (Blackwood), Shimmering Sand (Northern Elsweyr), and Stendarr Stamp (High Isle). You can get them from doing daily quests in that zone (delve, world boss, and world event ones), or deconstructing gear pieces that are from that specific zone (e.g. Frostbite pieces from Blackwood).

I also sell Clam Gall and Powdered Mother of Pearl, which can be looted from Giant Clam nodes on the beaches of Summerset, High Isle, and Galen. And a huge chunk of my gold-income comes from selling legendary CP 160 glyphs, primarily the ones you can see in the screenshot above. Any glyph that popular / BiS builds utilize is a safe bet, and will sell very fast if priced reasonably.
And finally, here’s an example of what my listings may look like with all 30 store slots used up, the total value of everything being 4,014,048 gold:

Thank you so much for checking out my gold making guide, I hope it serves you well! Let me know if you have any questions, either in our Discord server, or on Twitch when I’m live! Have a nice day!