Frequently Asked Questions

How is ‘Saenyra’ pronounced?
Either like “say-NEE-ra” or “suh-NEE-ra”, similar to how ‘Sabrina‘ (my real name) is pronounced.
What does ‘Saenyra’ mean?
It is supposed to be a High Valyrian name inspired by the Targaryen names in the ASOIAF / Game of Thrones universe. My username is based on ‘Rhaenyra‘ (the main character in the House of the Dragon TV show)!
Which languages do you speak / understand?
English, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, German, French, Polish, Russian, Romanian, Hungarian, and Dutch.
Where are you from? Where do you live?
Somewhere here on Earth (:
What do you usually stream?
PvE in the form of dungeons and daily quests, as well as PvP (Cyrodiil and battlegrounds).
Why does your ESO look so vibrant?
I use the Plushenko Reshade preset [LINK] to enhance the game’s colors.
What add-ons do you use in ESO?
Take a look at this post right here: [LINK]
When did you start playing ESO?
On April 4, 2020.
When did you start streaming?
On February 1, 2023.
When did you become a Twitch Affiliate?
On February 10, 2023.
When did you become a Twitch Partner?
On April 28, 2023.
How do you have so much gold in ESO?
I sell refined materials that are gold and purple (e.g. Dreugh Wax, Zircon Plating, etc.), legendary glyphs (e.g. Truly Superb Glyph of Magicka), as well as some expensive alchemy ingredients (e.g. Dragon Rheum, Powdered Mother of Pearl, etc.) – that is all there is to it.